Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Burchell's Zebra

Amazing Haircut
Burchell's Zebra, also known as the plains zebra or the common zebra, is the most abundant type of zebra on the planet. If you happen to be on the African continent, you can find these fantastically striped members of the horse family all across the eastern and southern savannas, often travelling in herds that roll over ten thousand zebras deep.

Did you know the name "zebra"  comes from a Portuguese word meaning "wild ass?" I didn't, but now that I do you may hear me saying things like, "Did you see the girl in the white pants last night? Oh my god. The Zebra on her!"

What color do you think a zebra's skin is?

Turns out they actually have very dark colored skin. On Wikipedia it mentions an "experiment" done at the Knoxville Zoo where a zebra was shaved to see what color was underneath. This sounds exactly like the kind of research experiments I'd imagine scientists from Tennessee conduct. Other amazing discoveries they have made include the contents of an elephants diet by eating its dung ("They eat all kindsa shit!') and the bite strength of an adult male lion ("The son of a gun is crushin' my got damn skull!").

Burchell's Zebra society consists of two kinds of groups. There are "harems" of female zebras that are lead by a single stallion, and there are all-male sausage parties made up of those not strong enough to win a fight for a filly in heat. After learning about this bit, I'm wondering if I am actually a zebra.

All zebras are special little snowflakes. It may be difficult for us to tell, but every zebra has its own distinct pattern of stripes that it can be identified by. This is probably why the crime rate in the zebra community is so low.

And that is just a small bit of info on Burchell's Zebra. To learn more you can check out the extensive amount of links I stole this stuff from:

African Wildlife Foundation
Wikipedia: Plains Zebra
National Geographic

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